Oberg Brothers Natural Beef

Owners: Mark Timmerman, Tina Timmerman, Sean Timmerman, Heather Timmerman
Oberg Brothers Natural Beef is a family owned cattle ranch located in the Okanogan Highlands near Tonasket, Washington. The ranch was started by Tina’s father and uncle over 55 years ago, which is the reason for the name “Oberg Brothers.”
The ranch has a “closed” herd, meaning we have raised all the cows and calves from birth. So we know everything about these animals. We believe in taking care of the ranch with good farming practices, developing springs for clean water use, and using humane ranching methods.
We provide our customers with safe, healthy, natural beef with no antibiotics or added hormones.
We enjoy this lifestyle and are happy to share it with others. Come and visit us at the Market, we welcome your questions…understanding the importance of knowing where our food comes from. We believe in wholesome, natural, foods along with exercise is the answer to a healthy life!